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Why People are at Your Church - People

PEOPLE is the next reason many have made your church their home.They claim your church as theirs because of the meaningful relationships they have established there. People will naturally want to be where their friends are, so the friendships at church become the “glue” that “sticks” people to your church, increasing the frequency of their attendance and elevating their enthusiasm for the work we are doing together.


This is a really good reason for people to love your church. Every pastor knows that true assimilation happens not with programs, but with relationships. When people establish friendships in our church, they feel connected, and the church becomes “home.”

When change comes, however, my PEOPLE connection can be affected.What happens when someone’s friend leaves the church (for any reason)? When my PEOPLE are no longer there, the church feels different. If my friend leaves town, I feel lonelier than before. If my friends start attending another church down the street, I am tempted to join them.

When a pastor makes changes to the church’s ministry in a way that results in some choosing to leave, the friends of the departing are affected too. 

So, as we’ve seen with PLACE, PERSONALITY, PROGRAM, and PEOPLE, the reasons to connect to a church are many, but each of these is risked when a leader seeks to initiate change. There’s one more to consider next week before we begin discussing a strategy that can help us make change without disorienting those we lead.
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The Acts 2 Church Survey is a fully validated church health survey for Spirit-Empowered local churches. Focusing on twelve church health factors, the survey can help you to identify your church’s strengths and challenges in order to pursue the best paths to greater ministry effectiveness.

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